
We all had the chance to experience the everyday worklife in a Finnish company during our stay in Helsinki. But how was the experience for the four of us?


I worked for the finnish cyber-security company F-Secure for 2,5 weeks. I already knew the company from my work in the sales department, so I was very excited that I had the chance to work in a rather big company. I was a trainee in the Business-to-Business Digital Marketing Department and I had the opportunity to get to know many of the different Marketing departments and strategies. For example social media marketing, search engine marketing, operator marketing, web design and global marketing. From the first day, i was given tasks, that I could do completely by myself such as translations for German google ads, preparation of the new brand photos, giving feedback on the German website or tools that should be implemented and creating a new ad for LinkedIn. I really liked the company also because of the great location, very nice co-workers and the amount of effort they put in me as a short-time trainee. I was always treated like a real collegue by my co-workers and the other cool part of F-Secure is the fact, that the office language is English, so I could attend every meeting and felt very welcome.


My designated workplace was at Dopinglinkki, a part of the A-Clinic Consortium, which is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation and service provider, divided into a foundation and a company. The consortium provides treatment and rehabilitation services, substance abuse prevention and expert services to reduce substance abuse and other psychosocial problems. Being a part of a young team in a social field meant to me a great opportunity to learn a lot about Finland and the real problems that the people there face on a every-day basis. The colleagues were also very friendly and gave me a lot of tips and recommendations for Helsinki.
My work at the foundation was mainly research work for founding possibilities, about the Erasmus+ program and also communication with research groups in other countries, as for example Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Colombia and Mexico. Another task was to run test on their e-Learning program to correct some UI-Design problems. I also developed a tool with Excel to rename and organize the scientific articles of the foundation to create a better overview of the archives, as they hadn't had a defined process, what made it difficult and time consuming to try to find a specific document.

Talouskuutio is a new start up, in which I had the opportunity to work for. I've had contact with Patrick the CEO who supervised me. The company offers a free search engine for small to medium size companies to find the right accounting agency. An accounting agency is a company which finds the best company to do your accounting (bookkeeping etc.). The benefit from the Software is that you simply offer some marginal details like your turnover, the location of the company, and which accounting software you prefer. Afterwards the search engine will find you the best accounting agency nearby.
My task was to research and evaluate if the german accounting branch would be a suitable market for the software. After some research we've came to the decision that Germany isn't a suitable market, this is caused by the fact that Germany don't have small agency companies in that field. A possible option would be to maintain the database with all tax consultants (Steuerberater, Kanzleien), but the effort wouldn't be worth it.
After I've completed this task I have done some German-English translation.
To summarize my experience at Talouskuutio I really enjoyed working for them. Patrick was very friendly and gave me the opportunity to work from any location I wanted to, as long as I did it to our scheduled meetings and got the work done.